Risk Assessments
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In accordance with many state and Federal regulations, risk characterization is necessary when contamination exists in one or more media above background concentrations. Its purpose is to characterize the risk of harm to health, public welfare, and the environment to provide the quantitative and qualitative information used to evaluate the need for remediation. The scope and level of effort of the Risk Characterization usually depends on the complexity of the site and the response action being performed.
CJW works with qualified risk assessors who actively participate with the client and CJW Project Managers to develop a site strategy and data acquisition plan to ensure that appropriate information for the risk assessment is obtained and that the risk assessment is not approached as a "black box" or "add-on" task. This early interaction facilitates CJW's understanding of the client's goals and risk tolerance, so that the risk assessment best reflects the client's position. CJW and its risk assessors also actively interact with other project personnel, such as engineers, geologists, chemists, and modelers, to ensure that the risk assessment is cohesively integrated into and reflective of other site activities.
The risk assessments evaluate sites in a technically adept and accurate manner, while also presenting the most advantageous position for the client. Since risk assessments directly influence remediation decisions, the risk assessors use all acceptable approaches to minimize site risk estimates and to limit areas targeted for remediation. We also explore management actions that can be used with or instead of remediation to control risks, such as land usage restrictions and engineered controls. The four step process involves hazard identification, toxicity assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. The risk assessments are presented in a proactive style, and clearly present calculations, methodology, and assumptions so that the risk assessment can be clearly understood and readily reviewed by the regulatory community.