Environmental Site Assessments and Investigations
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Site assessments can range in scope significantly depending upon the ultimate goal or the results of initial investigations. They can be performed as part of a property transaction (Phase I or due diligence investigations) or a much more complex project focused on determining the source, nature, and extent of contamination that was previously identified. CJW's staff has conducted hundreds of Phase I environmental site assessments (Phase I ESAs) for properties with various settings and historical use: industrial, commercial, vacant property, and residential. As as result of this vast experience, CJW can provide more timely and cost-efficient services to our clients because, unlike many of our less seasoned competitors, we will not be learning on our clients' time.

Typical Phase I ESA Components

  • Site Reconnaissance
  • Local, State, and Federal File Review
  • Historical Review including historical maps and aerial photos

CJW's staff have a strong working knowledge of various guidelines, practices, and rules for such assessments, including those developed by ASTM International and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (All Appropriate Inquiries).

CJW considers data acquisition, interpretation and management to be the most important aspects of any site investigation project - basically being a good detective. The data that is available and obtainable must be accurate and representative of site conditions. CJW's staff is highly trained in appropriate data acquisition techniques that range from file reviews at the appropriate state agencies to the sampling of various media in the field.

Clients may request additional due diligence services that may include surveys of asbestos containing material (ACMs) and sampling and testing for the presence of lead paint. CJW can have these services performed through its association with other professional service firms.

Meeting Phase II Needs

A Phase I/due diligence investigation may result in the need for further assessment of potential contamination issues. Phase II assessments are often contracted as a follow-up to initial Phase I assessments depending upon the results of the Phase I investigation and the client's needs and requirements. CJW can perform a comprehensive range of investigative, analytical, regulatory compliance, community relations, and specialized support services required for a more in-depth and detailed investigation. Our strong background in remedial design and implementation enables us to focus the Phase II assessment to collect data aimed at identifying remedial alternatives that are relevant for the site. This enables an expedited site closure no matter how big or small the site.

Typically, Phase II work includes one or more of the following services, coordinated with the appropriate regulatory authority and organized into phases to suit the client's schedule and other needs:

  • Sampling and analysis of soil, groundwater, surface water, sediment, indoor air, sludge
  • Field preparation of samples for analysis at laboratory
  • Soil gas surveys
  • Geophysical surveys
  • Monitoring well installation and well development
  • Monitoring well sampling and gauging
  • UST closure monitoring

These and other activities enable CJW to evaluate the geologic and hydrologic conditions of a site and to document the presence, source, nature, and extent of contamination in buildings, soil, surface water, groundwater, and air. At this point, CJW can identify existing or potential risks to public health or the environment as well as assess site issues in the context of local, state, and federal regulations.