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Risk Assessments
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  • Re-development of Former Manufacturing Facility to Retail and Residential - Bay State Commons, Westborough, Massachusetts
    As part of MCP assessment activities, Cushing, Jammallo & Wheeler performed a Stage II Ecological Risk Characterization (ERC) of the South and North Channels, both of which immediately abut the site. Outfalls from the former grinding wheel manufacturing facility directed overland flow from catch basins to these waterways. A Weight-of-Evidence (WOE) procedure for assessing risks was conducted with the objective of determining whether adverse effects to aquatic receptors in the North and South Channels could be attributed to site-specific contaminants of potential environmental concern (COPCs).

    The South Channel ERC indicated no risk to ecological receptors based on a WOE evaluation of multiple measurement endpoints and their associated contaminant media. Toxicity testing using sediment from the site, and food chain modeling using vertebrate tissue from the site, were two of the best measures of effects that were considered. Both used media collected from the site (i.e., sediment and green frog tissue), and both were quantitative measures of exposure.

    The North Channel ERC indicated that risk to ecological receptors was present. Two chemical classes of COPCs were the primary contributors to risk: 1) petroleum hydrocarbons and 2) metals.

    Releases from the North Outfall are expected to stop or slow sine underground drainage from the site is no longer hydraulically connected to the North Outfall/North Channel. It is likely that recent development of the site will remove the North Outfall as an ongoing source area contributing to elevated COPC levels in the North Channel.

    In view of this, CJW recommended that monitoring be undertaken in the North Channel and at the North Outfall prior to considering any remedial action being implemented. Monitoring should consist of surface water sampling at strategic locations that will enable the potential contributions from different sources for petroleum hydrocarbons and metals to be differentiated.

  • Ecological Risk Assessment for a #2 Fuel Oil Release into Wetlands, Pelham, Massachusetts
    Cushing, Jammallo & Wheeler provided LSP services supervising response actions associated with a release fuel oil into a wetland. The release occurred when a #2 fuel oil storage tank in the basement of a residence leaked approximately 150 gallons of #2 oil which migrated into a basement sump. Over a number of days, the oil was discharged into a nearby wetland.

    CJW stabilized the condition by removing all the source material at the sump and conducted assessment and response actions in the wetland to remove contaminated media related to the release. Following the initial response actions, CJW delineated the extent of the release and conducted follow up analytical sampling to determine the extent of remaining impacts.

    CJW conducted a site-specific ecological risk characterization for site conditions following the completion of response actions. Based on an evaluation of site conditions, it was determined that the impacts from the release did not warrant further response actions because the residual impacts were less than the thresholds identified in the Massachusetts Contingency Plan. The outcome of the risk characterization enabled CJW to limit the extent of the response actions conducted in the wetlands which resulted in the expedited closure of the site.

  • Risk Assessment at an Active Metal Recycling Facility, Clinton, Massachusetts
    Cushing, Jammallo & Wheeler performed a series of site specific risk assessments at an active metal recycling facility in Clinton, Massachusetts fulfilling the requirements of an Administrative Consent Order with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MADEP). The site is an active metal recycling facility where lead, cadmium, and PCBs were identified in site soils, groundwater, and in the sediments and surface water of a river that borders a portion of the site. CJW provided services in three areas:
    • Conducting an Imminent Hazard Evaluation for exposures to site workers. Using existing data, CJW conducted a Method 3 Imminent Hazard evaluation to determine that lead exposures to site workers did not constitute an Imminent Hazard to site workers;
    • Completing a Method 3 site-specific risk assessment related to human health, safety and public welfare. Based on a thorough evaluation of soil and groundwater conditions at the site, CJW concluded that potential exposures to lead in soil and groundwater required further cleanup activities be undertaken at the site. Response actions are ongoing.; and
    • Conducting an ecological risk characterization for exposures related to the bordering river. Based on an evaluation of site data and existing sediment data associated with another site up-river, CJW was able to successfully argue that most of the impacts to the river were not related to site operations at the active metal recycling facility. These results enabled the implementation of a greatly reduced scope of necessary remedial actions compared to initial expectations. Response actions are ongoing.